
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Benefits of Naps for Toddlers


At the age of five, children spend time exploring everything around them so often miss nap time. In fact, take a nap broad impact on growth and mental health of children.

Conclusions recent research has called, a toddler who did not nap or sleep less during the day are more likely to experience stress and feel happy. These children also tend to be at risk of mental health problems during their lives in adulthood.

The team from the University of Colorado Boulder, USA found that children who do not nap or sleep deprivation during the day more anxious and tend to not be interested in their surroundings. They are also less than happy with the happy event and more difficult to cope with stress.

The reason, lost time nap makes toddlers express their feelings in different ways. During the study, they measured the sleep patterns of toddlers aged two to three years. These kids wear special equipment to measure how long they nap with parental supervision.

The study's author, Professor Monique LeBourgeois documenting facial expressions in two different time toddler toddlers acquire nap time, and when they lose sleep.

The results, published in the Journal of Sleep Research, showed that toddlers who are tired from lack of sleep only successfully completed one-third (34 percent) the first puzzle with less positive emotional responses than when they get enough rest.

And, on the second puzzle that deliberately 'not resolved', a tired toddler more depressed than those who received usual nap. More than a third of children who lack sleep are also more ignorant than those who earn a nap on the puzzle they can not solve.

Prof LeBourgeois warned, that 'confusion' is not a bad thing, because it helps children learn from their mistakes. Lack of sleep makes children unable to engage and interact with others. "Just like good nutrition, adequate sleep is a basic need," she explained.

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